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Making Virtue Reality - Enrich your life and the lives of those around you!

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Let your virtues come out to play!

By Ruth Thompson

Virtues are the natural power of good within each of us. Whoever we are, wherever we are, virtues form the basis of our relationships and growth. The deli owner, your mother, your friend, your teacher, a child, or a taxi driver - every single person uses one virtue or another all the time, as naturally as breathing. Without even realising it, we enrich our own lives and the lives of those around us when virtues come into play.

Focusing on positive qualities helps us to transform old attitudes, to gain fresh perspectives and unexpected answers. They free our path from obstacles and make clear life's opportunities.

Inside this book you'll find 48 virtues. Spending time with them is to re-acquaint yourself with wonderful, old friends.

A beautiful, full colour illustrated book.

Ruth Thompson: In a single day I find more than enough workplace quandaries to deepen my practice of at least half the virtues contained in these pages! I am a manager, occasional writer, aspiring artist, hopeful chorister, enthusiastic dancer and meditation practitioner of more than 30 years. In all my endeavours and adventures meditation remains pivotal. It quietly nourishes an internal light that shines calm and confidence over the ever-changing terrain of human relationships. Warm thanks go to the many people who, often inadvertently, help kindle and stoke the creative fires. This book celebrates the one project in life that has no deadlines.

Book is 15 x 15cm 


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