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Relax - Restoring calm through meditation, creative visualisation and emotional control

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Restoring calm through meditation, creative visualisation and emotional control

By Mike George

New ways to counteract stress: Let Mike George show you the way to inner calm and contentment. With his vast experience as a stress counsellor, Mike provides innovative ways to break the pattern of stressful thinking. The commentaries are spoken by Mike George. Note: Mike has a Scottish Accent :)

This CD is a combination of informative discussion and relaxing guided meditations.

Mike George is an international management development consultant/coach and author based in London. He brings together the three key strands of the new millennium – spirituality, management/leadership development and lifelong learning – in a unique blend of insight, wisdom and technique. His positive vision of the future and his passion for life has motivated thousands of people. As a lecturer and teacher for the Brahma Kumaris, his eighteen years of research into the spiritual principles which govern human relations provide the foundation for his work with leaders and managers in organisations in over twenty countries. His publications include Don't Get Mad Get Wise, The 7AHAs of Highly Enlightened Souls, 1001 Meditations, In the Light of Meditation.



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